Waxing Solutions
The Dry Waxing Machines of the HECO-LINE have completely changed the traditional wax melting methods by introducing an innovative direct dry heating system, without using diathermic oil, water or any other liquids. The essential key of this new system is the use of special electric heaters that are an integral part of the structural walls of the tanks, thus allowing a direct, uniform heating. The introduction of this solution has overcome all the problems associated with traditional heating methods, such as harmful emissions, high energy consumption, long working times, unsafe procedures...
Learn moreRootstock Solutions
Our close cooperation with nurserymen in the area, combined with our technical know-how and our knowledge of the product have also allowed us to develop a line of equipment designed to simplify rootstocks processing. We design and manufacture machines that enable us to carry out all stages of "American" wood processing, from lateral shoots cleaning to disbudding and cutting-into-equal-pieces phase.
Learn moreAutomation and Work Organisation
We develop lines and systems to automate and organise the work in the nursery sector, with the aim of reducing errors caused by repetitive operations or by the lack of a skilled workforce. By adopting a correct approach to organise work effectively, we ensure an increase in productivity and quality of work, both from the point of view of staff ergonomics and in terms of better control of work processes.
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